Also know as the "Water boa" the green anaconda spends most of its time in the water. Bieng the heaviest snake the green anaconda can whiegh up to 400lbs. It makes its home in the amazon basin spending most of its time on the river bank and submerged in the water. The anaconda's diet consits of monkeys, water birds, rodents, fish, deer, boar, and caimens. The anaconda kills its prey by either drowning it or wraping its muscular coils around the prey and crushes it to death. The anaconda is equipped with four rows of razor sharp teeth that are hooked to keeep the prey in place and two heat pits at the front of the snout wich alow it to sense boudy heat. The green anaconda is one of the few snakes that gro
w big enough to be described as man eaters.

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